small project

For this project we were asked to create an installation that starts in our own studio space and trenscends into other peoples work. To start off this project, I decided to create something in the workshops, first starting in the plaster workshop, making a mold of a tin tray and then creating a stand to make sure it stands up. To do this I got two wooden sticks/poles to connect it from the stand and the plaster. Then we found a wooden block, drilled some holes the same size of the sticks for them to just pop in. Before the plaster dried we popped the sticks in the middle of the mould so they would dry inside instead of risking drilling holes into the plaster and it cracking.
After making this I decided to add more to it because it looked plain compared to what others were creating. I started adding art materials to it including string and acrylic paint.

After creating this I then tried to add more parts to the studio that transcends into other peoples work, by the end of the day or even the second day the whole studio was full of different materials and it was difficult to move around in the space.
After we decided the space was 'finished' I created some drawings using materials that were used in the studio space.

Bubble wrap print+ pen drawing
Chalk pastles

String+ acrylic paint
Acrylic paint

Newspaper, string+ acrylic paint
Cardboard+ acrylic paint

I didn't actually enjoy this project or feel as if I included myself in making much of the installation because it was really out of my comfort zone so that's why I turned to making drawings and paintings to feel comfortable doing work in a space I actually didn't feel comfortable being in. By the end I did enjoy how much everyones joined up and not knowing who created what. I realised at the end just before take down that most things had fallen down and how it was just left like that, no one picked it up or hung it back up like it was before, almost creating an accidental mess.
I also feel like this project reminds me of the work we created back in Hankley Commons with all the different found objects, I feel like a lot of the materials we used in this project was found materials or materials that were left over from something else.
During this project I looked at some artists that were similar to the work we was creating.

Eva Rothschild- cold corners

Rothschild created an installation using aluminium box tubing that fits in gallery spaces, mainly creating triangle shapes like it is 'scribbling' in the space. Rothschild doesn't have a narrative to the work, she wanted to see the reaction of the viewers as they walked through the space and how they experience the installation. I found this work fits well with this project because of how much of the space she has used up, also because she was drawing in the space similar to how we were drawing in the space. I also enjoy how she doesn't cover the whole of the area, leaving enough space for people to walk around and through it.


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