Self led project (part 2)

Richard Tuttle

This piece 'Critical Edge' is one of my favourite that Tuttle has created because of how similar his work relates to my work. He uses fabrics as well as lots of different colours. I like how he has placed the pink nude colour in the middle so it's the first colour you look at because my main colour for the crit exhibition work was a bright pink.  

Cut out floor tile

Yellow print
Red print
Red and blue print

After the lino induction, I decided to create some big prints so I found some floor tiles to cut into. I found this difficult to do but at the same time I really enjoyed making them. Unlike the other prints I have created, I decided to not think about what pattern I was creating.
Blue and yellow print

    I chose to try and print with two colours, blending them together and       although I like the outcomes I don't think they work so I think im going     to stick to block colours for now and see how that works out.

For the last part of the project, moving back to fabric, I decided to go back to my original ideas and created a collaged piece from fabric, using lino printing.
I decided that I was going to carry on using the small prints from the lino workshop because I didn't feel comfortable in using the big ones just at that time.
If i was able to carry on this project more I would go bigger and keep working on it until I have filled up a space or almost made a kind of installation.

Final resolved work


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