The bath

For the majority of the year, I want to focus on something that will interest me throughout and not get bored of it. The last project I focused on my anxieties and uncomfortableness in the world so I thought I would look into places that would make me comfortable. After a long thought and look into what made me comfortable, I found there is nothing I like better than being in the bath. So this is what I am going to work with. The reason I feel like the bath is my most comfortable place because it is private, a place where you spend time on your own, a place to relax that's quiet.
From this idea I started off taking photographs of myself in the bath, just having a normal bath using a tripod and camera. I found this experience a little weird but the outcomes were great and something I could work with.

I started off by painting some small paintings on wooden boards that were lying around in the studio. I started painting with oil paints because I really enjoyed using oil paints in the utopian project last year, oil paint was something I really wanted to explore more, so I did.
I loved the feel of the paint, the way it mixes and blends and that you can come back to the painting after because it takes a while to dry. I knew that I wanted to continue with using oil paint.
These paintings are quite abstract, there is no big detail, especially in the face, no one knows who that is... Obviously, it's a self-portrait but if someone who didn't know who I was or didn't know the meaning behind it then I automatically become this unknown, mystery person just washing in the bath.


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