Active bodies, difficult objects

Week one

Static film (still images to make a film)

This week we was introduced to the film project and what we needed to do. After having an introduction of what we was needing to do and some artists that we could look at, we was told to go in groups of 2 or 3. In my group it was me, Kat and Lauren. We spoke to each other about our own ideas and what we was going to look at in our individual projects but then we came up with our group ideas. We decided to choose to spy on one person each, I decided to spy on Sascha, Kat chose to spy on Jaz Coles and Lauren spied on Ellie. From when we started throughout the day we would meet back up in the studio and let each other know how it was going, no one had realised we was spying on them and we didn't get caught at all. I found this such a fun thing to do, even though people found it weird that we was taking random photos they didn't expect it to be on one particular person that we was actually spying on. At the end of the first day I had already taken 22 photos of Sascha without her knowing.
Artist inspiration- Sophie Calle

I turned my photos into a mini static film, showing all the different angles I had taken the photographs and how close or far away I was when taking the photographs.
I found this a challenge because I have never created a film before and it was completely out of my comfort zone, so not actually wanting to create the video but after some while I accepted that all I can do was try my best.

For my second static film I created something that fits in with my project, using the colour pink as my starting point because the main colour in my crit exhibiton piece was pink. I stuck to the location being in the studio just to start off with and to keep really simple also because the studio is a place where I spend most of my time and where most of my work is created.


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